Moles most frequently develop in young adults until about the age of 40. Removing the mole is quite a simple & quick process.
The skin is first anesthetic with local anesthetic cream. Once the area is numb the mole is simply shaved away until it is flush with the skin. The Laser seals off the blood vessels as it shaves away the mole so there is no bleeding & because the skin is not cut there is no suturing required.
Genetic factors, sun damage, hormonal factors and trauma may result in a veriety of pigment problem e.g. .Freckles , flat moles and melasma. Treatments include, chemical peels, laser treatments, and is some cases excision of a pigmented spot is required.
Skin cells that create pigmentation create lesions and the dark growth, known as moles, new growths that appear in different sizes ranging from pin-sized to an inch or more in diameter. There are many people who have moles on their body. Out of which, many of them are genetic. Moles that change size and color may lead to any kind of skin diseases or cancer and ought to be removed.
A few moles are considered as beauty marks. Whereas, if somebody wants to remove them, there are various methods available. Laser treatment is one of them!