Do you think that the reflection you see in the mirror each morning matches the way you feel. Many clients wish there was a safe, easy and effective way to get rid of their red complexion, thread veins, fine wrinkles irregular pigmentation and large pores. Skin Rejuvenation is one of our most exciting anti-ageing treatments. Photofacial Skin Rejuvenation can erase skin damage and treat a variety of skin conditions such as:
- Broken capillaries – face, decollate and body
- Sun and smoke damage
- Veins
- Enlarged pores
- Dull complexions
- Uneven pigmentation
- Red flushing skin
- Rosacea and redness
- Fine lines and wrinkles
This anti-ageing treatment can have dramatic results in the skin when it comes to firming and plumping lines and wrinkles. It can also be used to treat acne, scarring and pigmentation.
The best candidates have thread veins / spider veins evident normally on the face and decollate, fine lines and wrinkles, red flushed faces or rosacea, sun damaged skin, hyperpigmentation or enlarged pores.
Advanced light systems have been used safely for millions of treatments worldwide. These sytems treat only the targeted tissues, leaving the surrounding tissues intact. However, in some cases, slight bruising or redness may occur.
Safe, painless and effective method of hair removal that offers long-lasting results. Laser hair removal is proven to significantly reduce hair permanently. In most cases, hair is reduced by 85% to 90% after only six treatments. You will have smoother, softer and younger looking skin allowing you to feel more confident.
Lasers and IPL light sources gently remove unwanted hair based on the principle of selective photothermolyisis. This refers to the process whereby the characteristics of the light energy including wavelength and pulse duration are optimized to selectively cause thermal injury to the hair follicle without injuring the surrounding tissue.
The light penetrates through the skin and is absorbed in the target pigment (melanin) found in the hair shaft. This causes the temperature to reach a sufficiently high level in the hair follicle so that the targeted hair structures are destroyed and regrowth is inhibited, without any damage to the skin or surrounding area.